Hi I have creating WebCombo and UltraWebGrid dynamically. But in IE 7 an error ocurr when a post back is fired.
Thank you for your help.André
Assembly = Infragistics35.WebUI.WebCombo.v8.2, Version=8.2.20082.1000, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7dd5c3163f2cd0cb
Tanks, but a solved the problem. I only not add the WebCombo into the UpdatePanel and everthing is working.
UltraWebGrid grid = new UltraWebGrid();
WebCombo combo = new WebComo();
Strange but works. Tanks again
It seems to do something with this line of code:
webCombo.getGrid().Bands[0].curTable = webCombo.getGrid().Element;
in the Infragistics.js file. When the combo is attempting to dispose of itself it seems to have already been disposed resulting in the exception. To work around the issue I would redirect the scripts employed in the following KB article:
This will tell the control to use the local copies of the scripts and not the embedded ones. This will allow you to modify the script to work in your scenario. Go to function igcmbo_initCombo in the ig_webcombo3_1.js file and wrap the oCombo._unloadCombo() method call with an if statement like so:
This is essentially a hack and may not resolve all issues since the interaction between the webcombo and our webgrid is fairly complex and the advanced ajax implementation of the webcombo does not seem to be compatible with the scenario presented.
Also on a side note I had to take the following steps to get the application to run:
I get the following error message when running the sample:
WebCombo has the Editable property set to True; therefore it must have equal DataTextField and DataValueField to be used as an editor in an UltraWebGrid.
After I set DataTextField and DataValueField to the same value, I get the following JavaScript error:
I resolved that by changing src="../js/blahblah" to "js/blahblah".
I also had to go into your JavaScript, Infragistics.js, and change the path to the page for the xml request. At this point, I was able to reproduce the issue you mention but was getting additional columns. So I modified the code to create columns only one time but to create the webcombo's on ever postback. The issue was still reproducing so I tested in later versions and had the same problem. I then pulled out the grid and the combos seem to have no issue by themselves.
Tanks, to recreate the error:
When you are replying, there is an "options" tab in addition to "related" and "preview" tabs that allows you to upload attachments.