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Web Tree reload error with setExpanded method


I am using JSF 1.1 and Infragistics 6.1 versions. I have a web tree with folders and files. Any folder may have sub folders and/or files.I need to re load the tree (filter the files), based on some conditions. I am using "treeNode.dataBind" on the root node to reload the tree.

When I collapse any expanded tree node, and reload the tree, I get an an exception . I tried to debug it, and found that error is occuring in the JSF render response phase. I found in the JSF site that, upon collapsing a tree node, the collapse event is not called immediately. So I am guessing that the server and client are not in sync about the particular node that is causing the error.

Can some one help me in solving this issue. Or is there a work around available.

