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Localization of Grid Headers

Hi all

Infragistics 7.3.20038.73

We make an multi-language application (English, German, French, Italian) with the UltraWebGrid. For this we add in the caption property of the Column-Header by hand a resource string like:

<igtbl:UltraGridColumn BaseColumnName="Column1" Key="Column1" DataType="System.Int32">

<Header Caption="<%$ Resources:WebResources, ColTitel1 %>">

<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="3" />



Unfortunately when we open for example the column designer after these hand-changes and make some changes and then close the designer all these Resource strings are lost! The same works for the microsoft gridview control.
Do we make something wrong or is this a bug by infragistics ultrawebgrid?

Thank you for your help.

  • 60


    does anybody know how to ultrgrid typing in multilanguage

    in ultratextbox one keypres time that key equilant  unicode charater replaced that paticular language using javascript. but in ultragrid column keypress event how to call the javascript function any one help me.

    how to get the column key press event and  how to access the ultragrid column in javascript



  • 19308

    Sounds like a bug for sure, but it's hard to say whether this is a Grid bug or a pesky quirk of Visual Studio.  Definitely report this to our support team through one of the options here (
