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No Child Bands Displayed When Binding To A Custom Object

I have a custom object called BLPerson which contains a property called Orders which returns a collection of BLOrder i.e in relationship terms a person can have many orders.

I use an ObjectDataSource to bind a collection of BLPerson to an UltraWebGrid and when displayed successfully shows rows of people but with no child band for the orders. I have checked the BLPerson collection before it is bound to the grid and some people do have 1 or more orders.

Also at design time if I edit the grid i only see one band for the BLPerson object, I would have expected to see a child band for the orders

So my problem is that binding a grid to a custom object does not display any child bands at either design or run time.

Any help appreciated. 

Thanks John

  • 8680

    I don't know much about ObjectDataSources, but when I want to bind related data, I create a DataSet object containing my tables and their relationships.  I've posted an example at:

    Does your ObjectDataSource return both tables and their relationship?

    You can define bands at design time using the WebGrid designer.  (Right-Click on the grid; select "Quick Design")  But if you do this, make sure you have AutoGenerateColumns turned off.
