I'm using a dropdwon list in the Grid for selecting foreign key values. I've setup the dropdown in the InitializeLayout Event like this:
ValueList valList = new ValueList();valList.DataSource = q;valList.DisplayMember = "title";valList.ValueMember = "id";valList.DataBind();
The grid and dropdown column show correct but when saving the grid (and doing a postback) the grid doesn't show the dropdown anymore but just the values of the bound column (the id values).
What am I doing wrong ? Any help would be appreciated
The ValueList object has a constructor overload which will track view state.
The default ctor does not.
public ValueList(bool bTrack)
Yes ViewState is enabled
<igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="ugMenu" runat="server" Height="500px" Width="650px" DataSource="<%# this.Data %>" EnableViewState="true" >
Hunch: do you have Grid.EnableViewState=true?