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Add new row - can't get cell value

I have a Webdatagrid, I want to auto populate data for some cells when add new row.


var grid=$find(grid_Name);

//I add new row here

var newRow  = grid.get_rows().get_row(grid.get_rows().get_length()-1); // I get a new row 

newRow.get_cellByColumnKey("myCell").set_value(myValue); // myValue != null or empty

newRow.get_cellByColumnKey("myCell").set_text(myText); // myText != empty

When I used: newRow.get_cellByColumnKey("myCell").get_value();

I received empty value(or zero if column is number). But if I don't set_text, it work.

How can I get value from new row?

Thanks & Regards!