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How can I set the tooltip on a xamGrid TextColumn from C#?

I have a xamGrid and need to set the header text and tooltip from the code behind.

If I don't want the tooltip I can do the following:

                        <ig:TextColumn Key="SubDescription3"
                                       HeaderText="{Binding pItemsList.SubDescription3, Source={StaticResource pItemsList}}"

Then when the grid is loaded I have:

        private void gvItemMasterList_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            foreach (Column col in this.gvItemMasterList.Columns.DataColumns)
                switch (col.Key)
                    case "SubDescription1":
                    case "SubDescription2":
                    case "SubDescription3":
                            col.HeaderText = CustomCaptionService.GetCustomCaption("ItemMaster", col.Key);

Which pulls the header text out of the database so that it can be configured at runtime.

However, if I want to set up a tooltip I would normally do the following in XAML:

                        <ig:TextColumn Key="SubDescription1"
                                    <TextBlock ToolTipService.ToolTip="{Binding pItemsList.SubDescription1, Source={StaticResource pItemsList}}" Text="{Binding pItemsList.SubDescription1, Source={StaticResource pItemsList}}"/>

However, if I do this I can't set the HeaderText property in the code behind.

So, what do I need to do in the code behind so that I can have a tooltip and have both the header text and tooltip text set to the value calculated at runtime?

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    You have to create the DataTemplate from XAML which can be built up in code:

            private void gvItemMasterList_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                foreach (Column col in this.gvItemMasterList.Columns.DataColumns)
                    switch (col.Key)
                        case "SubDescription1":
                        case "SubDescription2":
                        case "SubDescription3":
                                string headerText = CustomCaptionService.GetCustomCaption("ItemMaster", col.Key);
                                col.HeaderTemplate = (DataTemplate)XamlReader.Load(@"<DataTemplate xmlns="""">
                                        <TextBlock ToolTipService.ToolTip=""" + headerText + @"""
                                                   Text=""" + headerText + @"""/>
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