I have a xamGrid and need to set the header text and tooltip from the code behind.
If I don't want the tooltip I can do the following:
<ig:TextColumn Key="SubDescription3" HeaderText="{Binding pItemsList.SubDescription3, Source={StaticResource pItemsList}}" Width="*" IsGroupable="False"/>
Then when the grid is loaded I have:
private void gvItemMasterList_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (Column col in this.gvItemMasterList.Columns.DataColumns) { switch (col.Key) { case "SubDescription1": case "SubDescription2": case "SubDescription3": { col.HeaderText = CustomCaptionService.GetCustomCaption("ItemMaster", col.Key); } break; } } }
Which pulls the header text out of the database so that it can be configured at runtime.
However, if I want to set up a tooltip I would normally do the following in XAML:
<ig:TextColumn Key="SubDescription1" Width="0.8*" Visibility="Collapsed"> <ig:TextColumn.HeaderTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock ToolTipService.ToolTip="{Binding pItemsList.SubDescription1, Source={StaticResource pItemsList}}" Text="{Binding pItemsList.SubDescription1, Source={StaticResource pItemsList}}"/>
However, if I do this I can't set the HeaderText property in the code behind.
So, what do I need to do in the code behind so that I can have a tooltip and have both the header text and tooltip text set to the value calculated at runtime?
You have to create the DataTemplate from XAML which can be built up in code:
private void gvItemMasterList_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { foreach (Column col in this.gvItemMasterList.Columns.DataColumns) { switch (col.Key) { case "SubDescription1": case "SubDescription2": case "SubDescription3": { string headerText = CustomCaptionService.GetCustomCaption("ItemMaster", col.Key); col.HeaderTemplate = (DataTemplate)XamlReader.Load(@"<DataTemplate xmlns=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/client/2007""> <TextBlock ToolTipService.ToolTip=""" + headerText + @""" Text=""" + headerText + @"""/> </DataTemplate>"); } break; } } }