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getActiveRow() not working

var grid = igtbl_getGridById('ManageLookup1xuwgLookupListing');
var activeRow = igtbl_getGridById('ManageLookup1xuwgLookupListing').getActiveRow();

// Set Status
var cmd = " Enabled ";
activeRow.getCell(3).getElement().innerHTML = cmd


line 2 is returning null due to which getCell() is giving error as "Unable to get value of the property 'getCell': object is null or undefined"

  • 22852
    Offline posted


    Have you verified that there is an active row before this is called?  I am asking because if there is no active row then getActiveRow is expected to return null as documented in the WebGrid Object CSOM.

    If there is an active row, please provide more details about when this code is called/executed and how the row in the grid was activated and what row you expect to be active.

    Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.