I would like to validate dateformat(using javascript function) in ultrawebgrid cell.
Kindly help me, how would i call a javascript function when user typed something in the grid cell and as soon user tries to move out of the cell of the grid javascript validate date format for the same.
I am using infragistics 11.1.
hey Pawan,
Please refer to the following KB article:
and let me know if you need any additional help. Thanks,
Thank you for your reply.
I would like to get the value of the active row first column.
my code :
var grid = igtbl_getGridById('ManageLookup1xuwgLookupListing');
var activeRow = igtbl_getGridById('ManageLookup1xuwgLookupListing').getActiveRow();
var val = grid.Rows.getRow(activeRow).getCell(1).getValue();
but its not working.
hi Pawan,
did you check out the KB article I have supplied?
Yes. I did something wrong on my side.
That article helped me a lot.