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How can i change Row Style on mouseover

I have a requirement where i need ot change the Row style on mouseover please help in addition MouseOutHandler never gets fired for soem reason

part of my displayLayout has following tag to catch these 2 events and below is the  Javascript code woth the functions





<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"><!--function uwgFixedAsset_MouseOverHandler(gridName, id, objectType)


// Check if the object type is a cell

if (objectType == 0)


// Get the cell that has the checkbox image

var checkBoxCell = igtbl_getCellById(id);

// Get the cell that has the check state value

var thisRow = checkBoxCell.getRow();

// Change style = 'LightYellow';



function uwgFixedAsset_MouseOutHandler(gridName, id, objectType)


// Check if the object type is a cell

if (objectType == 0)


// Get the cell that has the checkbox image

var oCell = igtbl_getCellById(id);


// Get the cell that has the check state value

var thisRow = checkBoxCell.getRow();

// Change style = 'Blue';




  • 480

    I've tested here and I think that I know how to solve your problem....


    you're probably setting the grid DisplayLayout.RowStyleDefault.BackColor = anyValue.


    When you do that, the grid inserts the formatting in the cells.....and when you change the row background by javascript, the cells <td> overlaps the row <tr> colors....


    To solve that :

    1 - You can set the row background color in a css class, setting the property in the display layout mergeStyles to false. That will not applie the style in the cell, just in the row...

    2 - You can not set the value of  DisplayLayout.RowStyleDefault.BackColor and that is it....

    3 - you can change each cell of the row in your function... 

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