i have tried to use css with webgrid but somehow it does not work properly for instance grid is using css class of header
for rows even though is have different css classes assigned for both the header default, row deafule and alternate row. i have done is in .aspx file that means on client side. i have tired doing this on server side also with no success. Any Help will be really appriciatred.
Try adding OptimizeCSSClassNamesOutput="true" MergeStyles="false" to DisplayLayout of your gird.
1. In what order are the Row, AlternateRow and Header styles in your .css file ?
2. Maybe these articles will help you
Try resetting all of the style properties that get set by default on the control. By default, any style properties that are set on the grid will override CSS class properties due to the order that the style properties get applied by the browser.
This knowledgebase article explains how CSS styles get applied by the grid: