Sorry for my poor english...
I use a webdatechooser for editing a column in my webgrid.
This is the HTML code for this column :<igtbl:UltraGridColumn AllowUpdate="Yes" BaseColumnName="DATEPEREMP" DataType="System.DateTime" EditorControlID="txtDatePeremp" Format="dd/MM/yyyy" Key="DATE_PEREMP" Type="Custom" Width="25%"> <Header Caption="Date de péremption"> <RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="2" /> </Header> <Footer> <RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="2" /> </Footer></igtbl:UltraGridColumn>
When I choose a date, the date is displayed in the correct format (dd/MM/yyyy).
The problem appears when a postback is fired.
After the post back, the date is displayed is this format (M/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss tt) Exemple : 2/17/2008 12:00:00 AM
In my code behind, the property 'Value' and 'Text' have this value too.If I don't change the date in my row, these properties have the good formatted date.
I looked for in the javascript object and I saw that the property 'value' and 'text' has the wrong formatted date but the property 'MaskedValue' has the right formatted date.
How can I get the correct format in my code-behind?
The version of Infragistics is : 8.1.20081.1000
Thanks in advance
try adding this code in web.config between the system.web-tags:
I have the same Problem with the Version 8.1.20081.2033 and the additional code
<globalization culture="de-CH" uiCulture="de-CH" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" />
do not change anything.
Has someone an idea ?
I have the same Problem with the Version 8.3.20083.2138 and the additional code