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which clientside event to be used to trigger when checkbox is checked in a ultra web grid


I have a UltraGirdColumn of type to perform following actions

which clientside event need to be called to trigger a function?
how to get the value of all the checkboxes in the grid in the triggered function ?
Currently i am using a html checkbox and using onclientclick event .here issue am facing his the response is very slow only when i click the first checkbox.

please suggest me a solution for this.

Thanks in advance

  • 37874


    I would suggest you to use the AfterCellUpdate client-side event. Here is an example how you can get the values from all checkboxes in "CheckBoxCol" column from this event:

    Code Snippet
    1. function UltraWebGrid1_AfterCellUpdateHandler(gridName, cellId, value) {
    2.     if (igtbl_getCellById(cellId).Column.Key == "CheckBoxCol") {
    3.         var column = igtbl_getCellById(cellId).Column;
    4.         for (var i = 0; i < igtbl_getGridById(gridName).Rows.length; i++) {
    5.             var value = igtbl_getGridById(gridName).Rows.getRow(i).getCellByColumn(column).getValue();
    6.             console.log(value);
    7.         }
    8.     }
    9. }

    Hope this helps.

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