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New to ASP.NET Page Refresh Question

I have created a master page with a navigation area that contains a Tree View. The two nodes in the tree view have their navigation URL fields set to a different aspx pages. Within the content place holder for each page there is a script manager and an update panel. First.aspx contains a standard gridView control that is bound to a database inside the update panel. Second.aspx also contains a script manger as well as an update panel. Within the update panel is a WebDataGrid bound to a database.

When I execute the code and click on the node for First.aspx, the grid appears and populates without refreshing or blinking the page. When I click on the node for Second.aspx, the WebDataGrid appears with data but the entire page refreshes or blinks. It does not seem to matter what Infragistics control I use in the update panel for Second.aspx, it always refreshes or blinks the entire page when I access the page. If I place a standard Visual Studio 2010 control within the update panel and access the page, the page does not blink.

What am I missing? Why do pages with Infragistics controls cause the page to blink and standard ASP.NET controls do not?



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