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save changes on exiting the application

how can i prevent the user to close the webapplication (x in internet explorer) without saving the changes in the ultrawebgrid?


  • 508

    I got it. It can be done in the following way. The key is updating the readyState flag to false in AfterExitEditModeHandler.


    var readyState = true;

    window.onbeforeunload = checkProgressState;

    function checkProgressState(){

    if (!readyState){

    message = "WARNING: Your data is not saved, if you choose to exit your information may be lost.";

    return message;




    readyState = true;




    function HandleExitEditMode(gridID, cellID) {

    readyState = false;



    If you want this alert to be suppressed in SaveButtonClick, then OnClientClick of that button, update the readyState variable to true.

  • 508


    I am also in the same situation. I need to prompt/save the grid data before exiting. Any clues on how to do it?

  • 100

     try it, but it only worked in IE:

    <body  onBeforeUnLoad="clean_exit(this)"  >
    something else........

    <script language="JavaScript">  
    var changes=false;
    var problems=false;
    function clean_exit( src ){
          if (problems){
                alert ("problems: " + problems);
                // the verify routine reports problems, don't allow an exit or reloading of the page
                // no problems, so continue
                      if (!confirm("You have made changes.  Click OK to save, or cancel to continue without saving")){
                            return false;  
                            //do something  
                            return true;
                      }  // end of confirm
                } // end of changes
          }// end of verify

    function changed(){    
    function verify(){    
          var problems=false;
          with (Entry) {
                if (LastName.value == "") {  
                      return false;
          return true;