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programmatical add refreshpanel


 I want to add a refreshpanel to my page by VB code:

 Dim refreshpanel As New Infragistics.WebUI.Misc.WebAsyncRefreshPanel
 refreshpanel.ID = "gridrefresh"
 refreshpanel.Controls.Add(grid) 'grid is defined bevore...

the problem is that it can't be found by JS:

  var warp = ig$("gridrefresh");

 i found out, that the difference between a refreshpanel added in the aspx code and added in the vb code is this JS (added automatically):

 try{ig_shared.getCBManager().newPanel('WebAsyncRefreshPanel1','WebAsyncRefreshPanel1',null,[,null);}catch(e){window.status='Can not init WebAsyncRefreshPanel1';}

How can I change my vb - generated Panel that this function is added automatically too?

regards, Philipp 

  • 21382


    I would think that the WARP panel needs to be on the Form of the page, not the page itself.  VB.Net might have direct property to the main Form  (Me.Form if memory serves) object but you should be able to reach it via:




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