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Infragistics and Spring Webflow

 Hi there


Any Idea how to wire the two two together?


I have used Infragistics with plain JSF configs using the same  for example:


<ig:gridView binding="#{webgrid_customizablePagingPage.grid}"
                    dataKeyName="code" dataSource="#{companiesList.companies}"


Using the same with Spring WebFlow  causes the error:

[09/05/08 16:06:43:441 BST] 00000023 SystemOut     O 2008-05-09 16:06:43,441 DEBUG [org.springframework.webflow.executor.jsf.FlowExecutionKeyStateHolder] - <Loaded existing flow execution with key '_c4A13B630-9CB1-034D-3010-18858030BF97_k4DF55E49-36DB-99E6-69F2-C145EDADF94B' as part of component restoration [triggered via an action event like a button click]>
[09/05/08 16:06:43:441 BST] 00000023 ServletWrappe E   SRVE0068E: Uncaught exception thrown in one of the service methods of the servlet: Faces Servlet. Exception thrown : javax.servlet.ServletException: Exception while invoking expression #{webgrid_automaticSortingPage.sortListener}
    at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(


.......Nested one is:


---- Begin backtrace for Nested Throwables
javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: Exception while invoking expression #{webgrid_automaticSortingPage.sortListener}
    at org.apache.myfaces.el.MethodBindingImpl.invoke(
    at com.infragistics.faces.shared.component.DataList.broadcastSortEvent(
    at com.infragistics.faces.shared.component.DataList.broadcast(
    at com.infragistics.faces.grid.component.GridView.broadcast(
    at com.infragistics.faces.shared.component.DataRepeater.broadcast(



* Is anything needs to be added in the webflow-beans or webflow-config files for that?

* Should I declare the sample object I would like to use in the webflow-beans instead of the faces-config?

* Other higher level config file? Servlet filters etc?

  Tried them both with no luck.....

I suspect I missed something out in the configuration. Shouldnt be too hard to create a sorting bean again but I dont thing it would be an elegant solution.

Anyone has any idea?

Thanks in advanced








  • 24671

    Hi Shaikoren,


    Could you post some more details , including code  & detailed stack traces / logs, and especially - the webflow configuration files? I am also interested in your sortListener's event handler implementation. Do you use the original code that is in netAdvantageSamples, or some modified one? It seems like some exception is thrown there.

     Apart from that, if the grid initially loads fine ,  in my opinion it should be ok to declare the components (managed beans) in faces-config. What is the scope in which you declare these beans? 

    Thanks for your feedback.

