Hi Team,
I can't get this to work in IE8 (only in IE7 and IE8 compatibility mode). When I click in a cell to edit the editbox is a bit to large.
But it works if I put the ultraweggrid outside the webtab. Is this is bug or am I doing something wrong here?
code Example :
igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="grdSiteFunc" DisplayLayout-AutoGenerateColumns="false" runat
Width="95%" Height="350px" EnableViewState
<AddNewRow View="NotSet" Visible
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn AllowUpdate="No" Hidden="true" Key
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn AllowUpdate="No" Key="ModFunctionName" Width
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Left"
<CellStyle HorizontalAlign
<Header Caption
<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="1"
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn AllowUpdate="Yes" DataType="System.String" Key
<CellStyle HorizontalAlign="left" Wrap
<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="2"
="Page Header">
<igtbl:UltraGridColumn AllowUpdate="Yes" DataType="System.Boolean" Key="Site" Type
Please help this issues to reslove.
Hi ranganathanpalanisamy,
Can you please explain in details what is your scenario? Do you have your grid placed inside of a WebTab of UltraWebTab? Is the issue only present in IE8? Also, please provide me with a complete sample which I can test or the whole markup for the grid if possible. Thank you.
Hello ranganathanpalanisamy,
If you still need assistance with the matter, please let me know.