Hello,although I found the guidelines (and apparently applied them correctly) I don't succeed to avoid the prompt fot local time zone in my Silverlight project.
I tried this:
private CustomTimeZoneInfoProvider tzip = new CustomTimeZoneInfoProvider();
public AgendaViewModel() { tzip.LocalTimeZoneId = "W. Europe Standard Time"; dataConnector.TimeZoneInfoProvider = tzip; }
I tried also:
public AgendaViewModel() { dataConnector.TimeZoneInfoProviderResolved.LocalTimeZoneId = "W. Europe Standard Time"; }
Paradoxically, if I succeed in setting this value, the XamOutlookCalendarView kind of disappear (meaning I don't see anymore the appointments in it).
The only way I know of making it work is to enter that value every time I start the app.
I guess I'm missing something, can someone point that out?Thanks
Hello Roberto,
I am glad that my approach was helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any further questions.
Thank you,your sample make it more clear. Although I was doing the right thing, what mislead me was the fact that this line of code in the constructor
steals the OnSelectedDatesChanged (fired by the dateNavigator), so the appointments, resources and calendars didn't get initialized.
To be more clear, if I omit that line in the constructor, it fires automatically and everything gets loaded.
Thank you for your sample and your efficiency.
I have been investigating your issue. After the investigation I have created a small sample for you, named “PromptForLocalTimeZoneMessage”. In the sample I have an ObservableCollection of all TimeZoneTokens and then use their ID to set the LocalTimeZoneId. Please find the attached sample and feel free to let me know if you require any further assistance on the matter.