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XamDataChart with Expression Blend Sample Data


I'm trying to create a XamDataChart that pulls data from the Sample Data feature generated by Expression Blend.

The Sample Data source name is "CustomerSat", the 2 fields that need to be pulled are "CustomerSatNumber" and "Month".

"CustomerSatNumber" field contains a variety of numbers in the following format "97.52" etc..

"Month" field contains a variety of dates in the following format "07/01/12" etc..

I have added the references to my project, but I am having trouble getting the XamDataChart to display any information. Here is what I have so far:

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource CustomerSat}}" >
    <ig:NumericYAxis DataContext="{Binding Collection[0].CustomerSatNumber}" />
    <ig:CategoryXAxis DataContext="{Binding Collection[0].Month}" />
    <ig:BarSeries DataContext="{Binding}">
      <ig:CategoryYAxis ItemsSource="{Binding Collection}"/>

Thank you for reading,


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