HI , I followed this post http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/p/20328/73520.aspx to get the CellValue when clicking on a button in my webGrid , its working great but when I add group by column , i get error and i cant get my cell value , thanks for your help
When the grid is grouped the rows collection will be a collection of group by rows rather than the data rows and each group by row will have child rows and will not have the cells. You would need to call the getChildRows method to get the collection of child rows. The row object in the help has more details on all members that can be accessed.
If that doesn't answer your question then I would need to know what cell you are trying to get the value from. If you are looking to get the value from the active cell or a cell in the active row you can use the grids getActiveCell or getActiveRow methods to get to the cell or row that you need. You can look at the grid object in the help to see all of its members.
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.