We have the following view:
<UserControl x:Class="DetailedSalesView" ... <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <toolkit:BusyIndicator x:Name="activityControl" IsBusy="{Binding IsBusy}" BusyContent="{Binding}" > <Grid> The rest of the control </Grid> </toolkit:BusyIndicator> </Grid> </UserControl>
When this is instantiated normally the busy indicator appears as expected. The view model implements `INotifyPropertyChanged` and has the property `IsBusy` which gets set at the appropriate places.
We are trying to display this same view in a XamDialogWindow and everything is working except for the BusyIndicator.
The code we have is:
this._eventAggregator = container.Resolve<IEventAggregator>();
Where `container` is an `IUnityContainer`
var childViewModel = new DetailedSalesVM(dataService, _eventAggregator); var childView = new DetailedSalesView(_eventAggregator, childViewModel); var window = new XamDialogWindow { Width = 800, Height = 600, Content = childView, StartupPosition = StartupPosition.Center, Header = headerText }; parent.Children.Add(window);
Where `dataService` is a class that implements the RIAServices connection to the database, and `parent` is the `UIElement` we wish to display the dialog window in.
The view populates correctly and the `IsBusy` property on the view model is set as expected, but the `BusyIndicator` just doesn't display.
What are we missing?
I have created a simple project that reproduces this issue. I've uploaded the file to my Google Drive folder:
It just consists of a main page with a single button that opens the child window whose contents (another button) are wrapped in a busy indicator. In this version the busy indicator is permanently on and you can see that that the button is greyed out but the busy indicator is not visible.
I am also having this issue, has anyone found a solution?