I migrated an SL 4 app to SL 5 app and migrated Infrigistics product to 2012. then something wrong with XamGrid. it is working fine in SL 4 with Infrigistics product to 2011.
Here is my case:
A XamGrid with double clicked event to choose the selected row.
In SL 5, the popup with XamGrid has some problems:
1. Extremely slowly and the app looks like frozen
2. No response for click/double click on the XamGrid.
Here is my pseudo code:
XamDialogWindow XDW = new XamDialogWindow() {IsModal=true}; XDW.Content = new SearchLookUp(); //SearchLookUp include a XamGrid which load data from DB with wcf ria service ((Canvas)this.FindName("PopupBase")).Children.Add(XDW); XDW.ShowAndFocus();
here is xaml for usercontrol SearchLookUp:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Left"> <controlsToolkit:BusyIndicator HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" x:Name="busyIndicator" IsBusy="{Binding IsBusy}"> <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> <RowDefinition Height="*" MinHeight="400" /> <RowDefinition Height="Auto" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <view:SearchEngagerAdvance Grid.Row="0" x:Name="SearchEngagerAdvanceV" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" DataContext="{Binding Filter,Mode=TwoWay}"/> <ig:XamGrid Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding DataList,Mode=TwoWay}" RowSelectorClicked="xamGrid_RowSelectorClicked" CellDoubleClicked="grdEngager_CellDoubleClicked" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" AutoGenerateColumns="False" > <ig:XamGrid.RowSelectorSettings> <ig:RowSelectorSettings x:Name="rowSelectorSettings" Visibility="Visible" /> </ig:XamGrid.RowSelectorSettings> <ig:XamGrid.FilteringSettings> <ig:FilteringSettings AllowFiltering="FilterRowTop" IsMouseActionEditingEnabled="SingleClick" /> </ig:XamGrid.FilteringSettings> <ig:XamGrid.PagerSettings> <ig:PagerSettings AllowPaging="top" Style="{StaticResource AmsPager}" /> </ig:XamGrid.PagerSettings> <ig:XamGrid.ClipboardSettings> <ig:ClipboardSettings AllowCopy="True" AllowPaste="True"/> </ig:XamGrid.ClipboardSettings> <ig:XamGrid.SortingSettings> <ig:SortingSettings AllowMultipleColumnSorting="True" /> </ig:XamGrid.SortingSettings> <ig:XamGrid.ColumnMovingSettings> <ig:ColumnMovingSettings AllowColumnMoving="Indicator"/> </ig:XamGrid.ColumnMovingSettings> <ig:XamGrid.SelectionSettings> <ig:SelectionSettings CellSelection="Multiple" ColumnSelection="Multiple" RowSelection="Multiple" CellClickAction="SelectRow" /> </ig:XamGrid.SelectionSettings> <ig:XamGrid.ColumnChooserSettings> <ig:ColumnChooserSettings AllowHideColumnIcon="True" AllowHiddenColumnIndicator="True"></ig:ColumnChooserSettings> </ig:XamGrid.ColumnChooserSettings> <ig:XamGrid.ColumnResizingSettings> <ig:ColumnResizingSettings AllowColumnResizing="Indicator" AllowMultipleColumnResize="True" AllowCellAreaResizing="True" AllowDoubleClickToSize="True" /> </ig:XamGrid.ColumnResizingSettings> <ig:XamGrid.ConditionalFormattingSettings> <ig:ConditionalFormattingSettings AllowConditionalFormatting="True" /> </ig:XamGrid.ConditionalFormattingSettings> <ig:XamGrid.Columns> ...... </ig:XamGrid.Columns> </AMSCommon:AMSXamGridControl> </Grid> </controlsToolkit:BusyIndicator> </Grid>
How to resolve this problem?
I don’t know if you’ve had an opportunity to review my sample.
Please let me know if there is anything further that I can help you with regarding this question?
I built a small sample based on the code you provided using SL4 2011.2, pointing to Silverlight 4 and added Debug writeline statements to the two events, xamGrid_RowSelectorClicked and grdEngager_CellDoubleClicked.
After running the app for the purposes of comparison, I upgraded the app to Silverlight 5 and used our product release version 2012.1 Version Utility and upgraded the solution.
The event both seem to fire appropriately with 2011.2 and 2012.1.
A couple of variations from your description are that I did not implement RIA services for the data. And I am also not aware of the ShowAndFocus method for the xamDialogWindow I don’t have the AmsPager style that you reference in the xaml or the SearchEngagerAdvanceV view or the busyIndicator.
You’ll also see that after providing my own datasource I tried to see the difference between allowing AutoGenerateColumns set to true and to false, but I could not detect any difference in the samples. I used the Visual Studio Performance Wizard to compare the two versions compiled with the separate product version but saw no difference.
I am to attaching my sample 2012.1 version.
If you can modify my sample to make it more like your application, I can retest and see if I can duplicate the behavior. Also if you could please let me know what specific version of 2011.2 and 2012.1 you were using.