I know support is going to stop on the ultrawebgrid, but I hope I can get a quick answer to an easy problem. My problem is that in our other grids we used in the past, each row had an edit icon displayed when the grid initially loads (like a pencil image). The IG grids, of course do not, which has lead alot of our users to think they can't edit the grid. Is there a way to get an icon or small image file to display in the edit column when it first loads? Thanks much.
Sorry for misunderstanding. Maybe below code can give you some ideas (I didn't test this...).
1. Create a empty column on your grid that would contain editable flag image.
2. Place RowSelectorClickHandler on grid client-side events:<ClientSideEvents InitializeLayoutHandler="yourGrid_InitializeLayoutHandler" RowSelectorClickHandler="yourGrid_RowSelectorClickHandler"/>3. Then in BLOCKED SCRIPTfunction yourGrid_RowSelectorClickHandler(gridName, rowId, button) { var r = igtbl_getRowById(rowId); igtbl_getElementById("editable_flag_column").value = "<IMG src='../Images/editable.gif' border=0>"; } Also see this link:http://blogs.infragistics.com/forums/t/1122.aspx
Sorry, by Edit Column, I mean the Row Selector column. No image is displayed initially, but when you click on it, the edit image appears. I need the edit image to display all the time. Thanks and sorry for the confusion.
Try this in InitializeRow:
void yourGridName_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.RowEventArgs e)
"BOAT").Text += "<img src='boat.gif'/>";