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Listbar display image

I'm trying to add an image to a Listbars groupbox.  Using infragistics WinForm explorer bar it was pretty easy

ultraExplorerBarGroup1.Settings.AppearancesSmall.HeaderAppearance = appearance

 and set the appearance.image

 How do I do this in the web listbar?  All I want is the same image, left aligned with the normal text to the right of the image.

I saw another post, were you said to set HeaderAppearance Leftcorner image..

            <CollapsedAppearance LeftCornerImage="../App_Images/import_trans_16.png" />
            <ExpandedAppearance  LeftCornerImage="../App_Images/import_trans_16.png" />
            <HoverAppearance LeftCornerImage="../App_Images/import_trans_16.png" />

I tried putting this in my code and nothing displays...

Here is a snapshot of the code

        <iglbar:Group Text="Transactions" TextAlign="Middle" Key="Transactions" ToolTip="Transactions">
            <CollapsedAppearance LeftCornerImage="../App_Images/import_trans_16.png" />
            <ExpandedAppearance  LeftCornerImage="../App_Images/import_trans_16.png" />
            <HoverAppearance LeftCornerImage="../App_Images/import_trans_16.png" />
            <Labels Collapsed="" Expanded="" Selected="" />

 What am I doing wrong?

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