I'm trying to add an image to a Listbars groupbox. Using infragistics WinForm explorer bar it was pretty easy
ultraExplorerBarGroup1.Settings.AppearancesSmall.HeaderAppearance = appearance
and set the appearance.image
How do I do this in the web listbar? All I want is the same image, left aligned with the normal text to the right of the image.
I saw another post, were you said to set HeaderAppearance Leftcorner image..
<HeaderAppearance> <CollapsedAppearance LeftCornerImage="../App_Images/import_trans_16.png" /> <ExpandedAppearance LeftCornerImage="../App_Images/import_trans_16.png" /> <HoverAppearance LeftCornerImage="../App_Images/import_trans_16.png" /> </HeaderAppearance>
I tried putting this in my code and nothing displays...
Here is a snapshot of the code
<Groups> <iglbar:Group Text="Transactions" TextAlign="Middle" Key="Transactions" ToolTip="Transactions"> <HeaderAppearance> <CollapsedAppearance LeftCornerImage="../App_Images/import_trans_16.png" /> <ExpandedAppearance LeftCornerImage="../App_Images/import_trans_16.png" /> <HoverAppearance LeftCornerImage="../App_Images/import_trans_16.png" /> </HeaderAppearance> <Labels Collapsed="" Expanded="" Selected="" />
What am I doing wrong?
I don't think the weblistbar has all the same options. I set the group image in code using the following
listBar.DefaultGroupButtonStyle.BackgroundImage = "~/Images/normal.gif"listBar.DefaultGroupButtonHoverStyle.BackgroundImage = "~/Images/hover.gif"listBar.DefaultGroupButtonSelectedStyle.BackgroundImage = "~/Images/select.gif"
You can see this in action:
I am trying to do the exact same thing and tried adding the image using the methods described and by using the online samples code behind as well as an example from another post (see below). NO DICE. Anyone at Infragistics have a concrete answer to this?
<HeaderAppearance> <CollapsedAppearance ExpansionIndicatorImage="./images/downarrow_sel.gif"> <Style BackgroundImage="./images/XP_Selected.gif"></Style> </CollapsedAppearance> <HoverAppearance ExpansionIndicatorImage="./images/upArrow_sel.gif"> <Style BackgroundImage="./images/XP_Selected.gif"> </Style> </HoverAppearance> <ExpandedAppearance ExpansionIndicatorImage="./images/upArrow_sel.gif"> <Style ForeColor="white" Height="33px" BackgroundImage="./images/XP_Selected.gif"></Style> </ExpandedAppearance> </HeaderAppearance>
One additional note
ViewStyle is set to ListBar.
We need viewstyle set to listbar to give an outlook like appearance to the ListBar.