Hello Everyone,
For some reason I can't seem to find an ASP.net WebCombo control. I have added the DLL: Infragistics35.Web.v11.2 but WebCombo doesn't show up in my toolbox (though a dozen or more other Infragistics web controls are there).
Any ideas?
Hi jathyal,
Please feel free to contact me if you need further assistance with this matter.
Thank you for your reply.
After looking at the sample code you have provided I can see no issues with the way your editor is defined. Note that on the client the id to be used to access the provider may be changed in the form of "WebDataGrid1_ctl00". For instance:
Additionally, you may try getting the provider through the grid object:
Please let me know if this helps.
Thank you for the suggestions.
I tried these but unfortunately my dropdownprovider is not one of the ig_controls object. ClientID does not seem to be defined for the drop down provider:
CS1061: 'Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.DropDownProvider' does not contain a definition for 'ClientID' and no extension method 'ClientID' accepting a first argument of type 'Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.DropDownProvider' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)This is what the editorProvider tag looks like:
<ig:DropDownProvider ID="WebDataGrid1_DropDownProvider1">
<EditorControl ID="EC" runat="server" EnableAnimations="False"
EnableDropDownAsChild="False" EnableAutoFiltering="Server" TextField="Job"
DropDownContainerWidth="550px" DropDownContainerHeight="400px" AutoFilterQueryType="Contains">
<ig:WebDataGrid ID="WebDataGrid2" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Job" Key="Job">
<Header Text="Job" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Description" Key="Description">
<Header Text="Description" />
<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Client" Key="Client">
<Header Text="Client" />
<ig:Selection CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Single">
<SelectionClientEvents RowSelectionChanged="WebDataGrid2_RowSelectionChanged"/>
<ig:ColumnFilter ColumnKey="Job">
<ig:RuleTextNode Rule="Contains" />
<ClientEvents SelectionChanging="CancelSelectionChanging" />
Can you see a reason why I'm not able to access the dropdown editor provider in javascript?
Thanks in advance.
Can you try accessing your dropdown provider using:
or alternatively:
$find('<%= WebDataGrid1_DropDownProvider1.ClientID %>')
Well now I've managed to get the webdropdown to be inside the dropdownprovider. I just can't access it to set the value when the row changes.
Here is a javascript function. The problem seems to be that WebDataGrid1_DropDownProvider1 is null. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
WebDataGrid2_RowSelectionChanged(sender, e) {
selectedRows = e.getSelectedRows();
Pickerrow = selectedRows.getItem(0);
cell0 = Pickerrow.get_cell(0);
cell1 = Pickerrow.get_cell(1);
cell2 = Pickerrow.get_cell(2);
text = cell0.get_text();