I wish to know how can I update the GroupByRow Header after datas updating.
In fact, I applying a group on my XamGrid as this :
When I wish to modify a data with the form on right, The row was updated correctly but not the GroupByRow Header :
Best Regards,
Hello Cosoluce_Stones,
For using the InvalidateData() method you can attach a sample on the thread. This would help to understand the current setup of the xamGrid. Also you can check with running the latest service release of NetAdvantage 2011 Vol 2.
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter. Thank you.
I was on holidays so I just saw your reply.
The method 'InvalidateData()' worked well with Infragistics version 11.1 but I have a problem with the version 11.2.
Indeed, I have migrate to v11.2 of Infragistics and now when I have more than two groups on my XamGrid, an exception is throw when I apply the mehtod 'InvalidateData' on my XamGrid.
Best regards,
I just wanted to follow up on the thread if you have any questions or if you require any further assistance with the xamGrid control.
Well the GroupBy cell isn't bound to a field on your data object, so the grid needs to to invalidate the groups made. InvalidateData is going to close expanded rows as data is refreshed. This is by design. If your data is small enough you could scan through it and find out what is expanded, cache off some key values to reproduce it, and then restore it. But there is nothing in the grid that will do this for you.
Hi Darrell,
Yes I already try to call InvalidateData on the grid, but when I call it, all of the rows are collapsed.