In a grid in silverlight xamgrid once retrieved records as I can go to the last rowI'm not vertical scroll bar is always up
I don't understand what you are asking. Do you have a sample showing what you are asking about?
the issue and 'very simple once called a Querry as I go on the last line of the problem and xamgrid silverlight' that is always in the vertical bar of the problem occurs when the lines are more 'height control xamgridthis and 'the command to move the last lineDim activeRow xamGrid2.Rows = (xamGrid2.Rows.Count - 1)xamGrid2.ActiveItem = activeRowactiveRow.IsSelected = TrueI hope that I explained
Well I don't understand what your code is trying to do, but if you code is live code then your issue is that you are setting your grid.ActiveItem to a grid Row object. the Active Item is supposed to point to the underlying data object, not the row.
The grid also uses and ActiveCell property, which is what will be scrolled into view.
So your code should be more along the lines of:
Row row = grid.Rows[ 10000 ] ; // for sake of example we will assume your count is fixed,
row.Cells["KeyOfColumnThatIsFirstInGrid"].IsActive = true;
OR you could do
Row row = grid.Rows[10000];
grid.ActiveItem = row.DataObject;// The DataObject property points to the actual object that the row is bound to.