I woulkd like to list entries in a table and allow users to check a column to have them added to a list (like a shopping cart). Is there a way to add an unbound column to the grid?
Hello manuelrivera,
For the Infragistics Grid in LightSwitch requires that the data is to be bound for the columns. As for an Unbound column type is available in xamGrid under NetAdvantage for Silverlight product. This would require creating a Silverlight page.
Let me know if you have any questions with this matter. Thank you.
Hi Duane,
To add an unbound column to the LS Grid using the way you suggested you have to add it as a Custom Control (ie., to add it as a Silverlight conro), don't you?
Is that correct?
Thanks and bye
Hello stokara,
This is just a follow up on the case if you have any questions in regards to adding the CheckBoxColumn type and also an UnboundColumn using ValueConverter.
For adding a checkbox as a column you can specify a key of the field containing the boolean type.
<ig:CheckBoxColumn Key="Order"/>
This would contain the column containing the field name as Order.
To add an Unbound field you can specify the key and also the ValueConverter property.
<ig:UnboundColumn Key="Total Units" ValueConverter="{StaticResource TotalUnitsConverter}"/>
In the example sets ValueConverter to TotalUnitsConverter that you can retrieve from StaticResource. In the class implements the IValueConverter interface. You can also find an example for applying Unbound column here: http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/Silverlight/2011.2/CLR4.0/?page=xamGrid_Unbound_Column.html.