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Wrapping text of a cell - works for IE fails for Mozilla FireFox

 Hi all,

   i have problem that my webgrid cell text doesnt get wrap in FireFox but it works with IE. plz help me. this is the code


                                StyleSetName="Office2007Blue" Width="100%" >
                                                             <AddNewRow View="NotSet" Visible="NotSet">
                                                             <RowStyle Wrap="True" />
                                                     <DisplayLayout AllowColumnMovingDefault="OnServer" ColWidthDefault="" GroupByColumnsHiddenDefault="No"
                                                         HeaderClickActionDefault="SortSingle" IndentationDefault="20" Name="UltraWebGrid1"
                                                         RowHeightDefault="20px" SelectTypeCellDefault="Single"
                                                         SelectTypeColDefault="Single" SelectTypeRowDefault="Single" Version="3.00" ViewType="OutlookGroupBy"
                                                         AllowSortingDefault="OnClient" GridLinesDefault="NotSet" RowSelectorsDefault="No" AllowColSizingDefault="Free" RowSizingDefault="Free"  >
                                                         <FilterOptionsDefault AllowRowFiltering="OnClient" FilterUIType="FilterRow">
                                                              <ActivationObject BorderColor="" BorderWidth="">
                                                         <RowStyleDefault Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" Wrap="True" >
                                                         <FixedCellStyleDefault Wrap="True">
                                                         <FrameStyle Width="100%">