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Pasting "(" in WebCurrencyEdit or WebCurrencyEditor does not always give negative number

Hi.  We recently upgraded our website from using Infragistics controls Version=9.1.20091.1015 to Version=11.1.20111.2064.  On a given page we use the WebCurrencyEdit (several times), with the culture set so that negative numbers are shown as "-$n" instead of "($n)".  Before the upgrade, users could paste negative values of either format and in both cases the value would properly be converted to a negative number in the "-$n" format.  Since upgrading, a negative number pasted in the "($n)" format is converted to a positive number instead of a negative number in the other format (unless the culture is set to always display negative numbers in that format).

I tried the newer WebCurrencyEditor control and got the same behavior.

Unfortunately, our clients are adamant that the controls work the way they did previously.

Firstly, is there a reason this was changed so that pasting a negative number in either format wouldn't automatically translate to a negative number in the specified display format?  Would you be willing to restore this behavior in future releases?

In the mean time, how would I change this myself?  Unless I am mistaken, I think the two possible approaches would be to intercept the keystrokes in clientside scripts (looking for a "(" and replacing it with a "-"), or changing ig_edit.js for the control itself.

The latter seems cleanest... I think I see the the issue in the line:

me.isMinus=function(k){return k==this.minus.charCodeAt(0)||k == 45||(k==40&&this.negativePattern.indexOf('(')>=0)||k==12540||k==65293||k==65288;}

which maybe should be changed to:

me.isMinus=function(k){return k==this.minus.charCodeAt(0)||k == 45||k==40||k==12540||k==65293||k==65288;}

But if so, I am having trouble getting the site to see the modified version of the file.  I presume it is using the now embedded version of the script.  I have tried changing the web.config to use

<infragistics.web styleSetName="IFBlue" styleSetPath="~/ig_res" enableAppStyling="false" javaScriptDirectory="~/ig_common/20111CLR40/Scripts" />

When that didn't seem to have any effect, I tried changing the JavaScriptFileName property of the control directly:

<igtxt:webcurrencyedit id="Webcurrencyedit1" width="140" runat="server" HorizontalAlign="Right" JavaScriptFileName="~/ig_common/20111CLR40/Scripts/ig_edit.js">

Still doesn't seem to be using the right version of the javascript.

Any ideas?  Any help would be much appreciated!

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