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Accessibility Issue

I'm using a UltraWebTree inside a UltraWebListBar and want them to score 100% what concerns to accessibility. All images have their respective 'alts', but when i see the source generated by the browser, i notice that the UltraWebTree as an "img tag" inserted by their own, that doesn't have the 'alt' attribute. Not having the 'alt' attribute, this fails the accessibility test:


<div id='UltraWebListbar2ctl00UltraWebTree12_1'title=TEXT'>

<img style="width:16px;height:0px;margin-left:0px;"/> <--------THIS ALT

<img igimg='1' align='absmiddle'src='App_Themes/VortalGov/images/config.jpg'
alt='Trocar Data' igAltS='Trocar Data' />
can anyone explain me how to insert the 'alt' attribute or to remove that img