How do I turn off automatic reorganize ?
Hi Boyan,
I am evaluating the product. Similar to Walter, we find the automatic reorganization of nodes to be very confusing; we have a difficult time locating the node we've just expand/collapse. It would be more useable for us if there is a setting for this behavior.
Hi, Walter,
Currently we do not have a feature that allows adding/removing/hiding of nodes without changing the NetworkNode layout. There are some algorithms working in that direction, but in general the layout will be changed if nodes are added or removed.
You could visit and submit a feature request.
We use the networknode control for displaying a computer network. Our customer thinks it is very confusing that, when a node is added, the complete schema is reorganized.
Actually i agree with the customer on this issue. When configure (manual adding nodes) it is very confusing. That's why we are looking to turn it off.
In other scenarios i totally agree it is very neath functionality.
grtz, Walter.
When the NetworkNode is redrawn on the screen, it tries to take the best possible shape, so it looks clear and does not confuse the users. If possible all nodes are positioned so no connections intercross or nodes overlap.
Could you please provide us with more details of your problem? What behavior are you expecting?
Thanks in advance,