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Regarding Popup and XamPivotGrids


in my current application i have a button that shows a popup when clicked. this popup form contains an XamPivotGrid that takes its values from an xml.

Also in the popup there is a button that when clicked saves the information edited in the grid to the xml.

The first time i open the popup and click the button to save the values everything works fine and the popup closes. The second time i click to open the popup  get this message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

and below  is what is called when i open the popup:

ObservableCollection<MarketShares> mSharesData = SampleDataGenerator.GenerateMarketShares((DateTime)this.avgdatepicker1.Tag, (DateTime)this.avgdatepicker2.Tag, 2);

            SampleFlatDataSourceAverageVsBrand flatDataSource = new SampleFlatDataSourceAverageVsBrand();

            flatDataSource.Measures.CollectionChanged += Measures_CollectionChanged; 

            flatDataSource.ItemsSource = mSharesData;

            this.AvgPivotGrid.DataSource = flatDataSource;

         //   this.AvgPivotGrid.DataSource.Measures.CollectionChanged += new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(Measures_CollectionChanged);

            this.AvgPivotGrid.CellControlAttached += new EventHandler<PivotCellControlAttachedEventArgs>(AvgPivotGrid_CellControlAttached);


            this.AvgPivotGrid.CellEdited += AvgPivotGrid_CellEdited;

            this.AvgPivotGrid.LayoutLoaded += AvgPivotGrid_LayoutLoaded;


Please advise,
