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Hierarchical data in reports


I am attempting to reference hierarchical data from within a 2011.2 report. This is something that I think was missing from the CTP versions and I was expecting it to be possible in the released version.

From reading the documentation it appears that you can create data that is relational in the report but it appears to work from the detail level up to a single parent rather than from a parent down to multiple detail levels.

An example would be where you have a top level (a project) which relates to multiple customers that each have zero or more addresses and communication methods. Like this;


/                                               \

Customers                            Stages

/                               \

Addresses             Communication Methods

In the sample code, the hierarchy always seems to start at a detail level and then work backwards up the data-tree.

Here is some sample code to create the hierarchical data described;

    [ReportDataSourceExport(ReportSearchPattern = "PrintProject.*")]

    public class PrintProjectDataProvider : IReportDataSourceProvider


        public object GetDataSource(string name, IDictionary<string, ParameterValue> reportParameters)


            switch (name)


                case "Project":


                    return Projects;


                    return null;




        private void LoadProjectDetails()



            var toAdd = new ProjectDetailsViewModel


                                ProjRef = "ProjRef",

                                Description = "Project Description",

                                Date = DateTime.Now.Date


            toAdd.Stages.Add(new ProjectStageDetailsModel {StageNo = "1"});

            toAdd.Stages.Add(new ProjectStageDetailsModel {StageNo = "2"});

            toAdd.Stages.Add(new ProjectStageDetailsModel {StageNo = "3"});

            var customer1 = new CustomerDetailsViewModel { Name = "Mr Jim Elf Exit" };

            var customer2 = new CustomerDetailsViewModel { Name = "Mrs Main Tester" };

            var customer3 = new CustomerDetailsViewModel { Name = "Miss Final Customer" };

            toAdd.Customers.AddRange(new []{customer1,customer2,customer3});

            customer1.Addresses.Add(new AddressViewModel { Line1 = "Road Name", PostCode = "PO573DE" });

            customer1.Addresses.Add(new AddressViewModel { Line1 = "Test Street", PostCode = "TE571NG" });

            customer1.CommunicationMethods.Add(new CommunicationMethod { Description = "Email", Detials = "first.last@domain.ext" });

            customer1.CommunicationMethods.Add(new CommunicationMethod { Description = "Mobile", Detials = "07890 123456" });

            customer1.CommunicationMethods.Add(new CommunicationMethod { Description = "Work", Detials = "01234 567890"});




        private List<ProjectDetailsViewModel> _projects = new List<ProjectDetailsViewModel>();

        public List<ProjectDetailsViewModel> Projects


            get { return _projects ; }

            set { _projects  = value; }




    public class ProjectDetailsViewModel


        public String ProjRef { get; set; }

        public String Description { get; set; }

        public DateTime Date { get; set; }

        private List<ProjectStageDetailsModel> _stages = new List<ProjectStageDetailsModel>();

        public List<ProjectStageDetailsModel> Stages


            get { return _stages; }

            set { _stages = value; }


        private List<CustomerDetailsViewModel> _customers = new List<CustomerDetailsViewModel>();

        public List<CustomerDetailsViewModel> Customers


            get { return _customers; }

            set { _customers = value; }




    public class CustomerDetailsViewModel


        public String Name { get; set; }

        private readonly List<AddressViewModel> _addresses = new List<AddressViewModel>();

        public List<AddressViewModel> Addresses


            get { return _addresses; }


        private readonly List<CommunicationMethod> _communicationMethods = new List<CommunicationMethod>();

        public List<CommunicationMethod> CommunicationMethods


            get { return _communicationMethods; }




    public class AddressViewModel


        public String Line1 { get; set; }

        public String PostCode { get; set; }



    public class CommunicationMethod


        public String Description { get; set; }

        public String Detials { get; set; }



    public class ProjectStageDetailsModel


        public String StageNo { get; set; }


Using this data, I would hope to be able to produce a report that looks like this;


Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,
