Using Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.v8.1.dll
First level menus appear in proper position on the page, even as the source element that triggers their display moves within the browser window's viewport.
But child submenus (2nd level and below) seem to appear in a fixed position based on absolute page coordinates, so that when you scroll the page, the submenus display out of alignment/position with respect to their parent menu.
Is this a bug or is there some property I should be setting on Items to change this behavior?
Here are the declarative tags for the menu:
<ignav:UltraWebMenu ID="uwNavMenu" Cursor="Hand"ImageDirectory="images/menuImages/" runat="server" EnhancedRendering="True" DefaultItemClass="ItemClass"TopSelectedClass="TopSelected"DisabledClass="DisabledClass"DefaultIslandClass="IslandClass"HoverClass="HoverClass"TopAligment="Center"SeparatorClass="SeparatorClass"BorderStyle="None" BackColor="White"Height="32px" XPSpacerWidth="0px"ItemPaddingTop="0" ItemSpacingTop="0"JavaScriptFileNameCommon="" LeafItemImageUrl=""JavaScriptFilename=""ParentItemImageUrl="" StyleSetName=""><ItemStyle Width="132px" Height="20px" CssClass="ItemClass" Cursor="Hand"></ItemStyle><DisabledStyle ForeColor="white" CssClass="DisabledClass" /><HoverItemStyle Cursor="Hand" Height="20px" BorderWidth="1px" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderColor="#006600" ForeColor="Black" BackColor="#D8F3DB" CssClass="HoverClass" /><ExpandEffects ShadowColor="0, 102, 0" Type="Slide" Delay="0" RemovalDelay="20" ShadowWidth="5" /><IslandStyle Cursor="Default" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana" BorderColor="DimGray"BorderStyle="Solid" BackColor="#DDDDDD"><Padding Bottom="0px" Top="0px"></Padding></IslandStyle><TopSelectedStyle BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="#006600" BorderStyle="Solid" ForeColor="Black"BackColor="#D8F3DB" CssClass="TopSelected" /><SeparatorStyle Height="1px" BackgroundImage="ig_menuSep.gif" BackColor="#006600"CssClass="SeparatorClass" CustomRules="background-repeat:repeat-x; " /><Levels><ignav:Level Index="0" LevelHoverClass="TopHover" /><ignav:Level Index="1" /><ignav:Level Index="2" /><ignav:Level Index="3" /></Levels><Items><ignav:Item Text="" Hidden="true" Styles-Height="33px"></ignav:Item><ignav:Item Text="" Hidden="true" Styles-Height="33px"></ignav:Item><ignav:Item Text="" Hidden="true" Styles-Height="33px"></ignav:Item><ignav:Item Text="" Hidden="true" Styles-Height="33px"></ignav:Item><ignav:Item Text="" Hidden="true" Styles-Height="33px"></ignav:Item><ignav:Item Text="" Hidden="true" Styles-Height="33px"></ignav:Item><ignav:Item Text="" Hidden="true" Styles-Height="33px"></ignav:Item><ignav:Item Text="" Hidden="true" Styles-Height="33px"></ignav:Item><ignav:Item Text="" Hidden="true" Styles-Height="33px"></ignav:Item><ignav:Item Text="" Hidden="true" Styles-Height="33px"></ignav:Item></Items><Images><XPSpacerImage Url="ig_menuXPspacer4.gif" /><SubMenuImage Url="arrow_right.gif" /></Images><MenuClientSideEvents ItemHover="ItemHover" /></ignav:UltraWebMenu>
Agreed. Will this be fixed?
If you contact our developer support team to report the issue, chances are this will get fixed in a hotfix.
I was simply trying to direct this thread to the other thread where there has already been some interaction from the ASP.NET team at Infragistics. The other thread WAS being monitored by Rumen Stankov (MCSD.NET), The Infragistics ASP.NET Team, but he hasn't replied since February.
This issue was first identified in the previous thread as early as last November (2007), I wouldn't think we (the consumers) should be re-reporting previously acknowledged bugs.
My reply was actually directed at question in the post prior to yours ("Will it get fixed")...I realize now I did not make that clear.
I will see if I can get Rumen back to the other thread with an update.
I've got answer in another thread :
Summing it up, the issue is fixed in all releases starting with 7.1 and to 8.2 (according to
8.3 release will be addressed in the upcoming hotfix - this year, I guess.
You cannot find any public information about such schedule. However, if you have an Infragistics license, you can always contact developer support at: and either report an issue, or get update status for an isse you have created.
Thanks for you answer.
Could you tell, please, is there any way to learn about upcoming hotfix schedule - or any information regarding hotfixes? I've found japanese page, but nothing similar in English.
Hi there,There is an issue about that in our bug-tracking system. We are working on solving that. So if the fix is not included the upcoming HotFix, most probably it will be in the next one.
I've found link through search on main site, but it's in japanese.
As far, as I understood (thx, Google Translate) this issue was fixed for 2007.2 and 2007.1.
Why there is no such page in English (or where is it) ?
When will this issue be addressed for other versions of NET Advantage?
Is it possible to use scripts from those releases? Hotfix is a remarkable idea, but it's taking a lot of time.