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How to determine whether column is templated column or not


we are using Ultrawebgrid (10.0) in our c# application. We have a global routine that goes thru all the page controls dynamically and saves the contro's values into hash table and upon coming back from child page, this hash table data is used to restore page state. We had to do this because user may have done many filters and selections before going to child page via link and come back to parent page. They don't want to loose their filters and selections.

Everything is fine and we are able to store ultrawebgrid's sorting values also into hash table. But some of the page's grid's have checkbox controls in template column. Upon restore, checkbox state is not restored because we are not storing it in hash table.

how can I determin ultrawebgrid has templated column with checkbox control? if i get code for this, then I can loop thru rows and get the state of checkbox control and store the value.

I appreciate your response.

