We are using the UltraWebMenu v10.3.20103.2134. When running this control in IE9, all the menus appear in the upper left hand corner of the browser, above the menu bar. When running in compatability mode the menu appear to work correctly. Can someone help get this to run correctly in IE9?
Below is the markup:
The above screenshot shows what is happening. The menu item, "South", is selected on the far right, but the menu pop appears at the far left.
Note: the sub-menus, which should pop out to the right, also appear in the left corner. See below:
After I install 2009V2 hotfix most problem is solved but the submenu would not appear correctly in index page only work correctly after click to other pages.
Hello jdaugherty:
I check my ultrawebmenu config UltraWebMenu1.EnhancedRendering = True and I also download Georgi's zip demo I got the same result. My submenu also appears on the upperleft corner of IE9 and the worse thing is that when my mouse hover the topmenu warning message happens.
This problem makes me crazy because it happens on production website.
I do not know how to fix it. Any suggestion will be very welcome.
Daniel Lee 2011/10/18
My apologies for not responding to this sooner.
What was happening in my case was the EnhancedRedering property was being set to false in the code behind, which was why I didn't see it at first. The solution, in my case, was to simply set it to true:
Me.UltraWebMenu1.EnhancedRendering = True <=this allows the UltraWebMenu to work correctly in IE9
Did you already solve this issue? I got the same trouble in IE 9 but I use UltraWebMenuv9.2, Version=9.2.20092.1003
It is ok in Safari and Chrome.
The attachment is error screenshot and error message from script debug.
It seems the problem is scrollheight might be null object.
Any suggestion will be very welcome.
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"> <ContentTemplate> <ignav:UltraWebMenu ID="UltraWebMenu1" runat="server" ImageDirectory="~/InfraImages/" Width="100%" BorderStyle="None" CssClass="menu-font-15" Height="100%" AutoPostBack="True" FocusOnHover="False"> <IslandStyle BackColor="LightGray" BorderStyle="Outset" BorderWidth="1px" Cursor="Default"> </IslandStyle> <HoverItemStyle Cursor="Hand" ForeColor="#F55E03" CssClass="hover" Font-Underline="True"> </HoverItemStyle> <Images> <ScrollTopDisabledImage Url="ig_menu_scrollUp_disabled.gif" /> <ScrollBottomDisabledImage Url="ig_menu_scrollDown_disabled.gif" /> <SubMenuImage Url="arrows/arrow_white.gif" /> <ScrollBottomImage Url="ig_menu_scrollDownWhite.gif" /> <ScrollTopImage Url="ig_menu_scrollUpWhite.gif" /> </Images> <ItemStyle Cursor="Default" /> <Items> <ignav:Item Text="首頁" TargetUrl="../Trad/Index-Main.aspx"> <Styles Font-Underline="False"> </Styles> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item ImageUrl="./com-div.jpg" Text=""> <Images> <DefaultImage Url="./com-div.jpg" /> </Images> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item Text="關於" TargetUrl="../Trad/AboutUs.aspx" > <Styles Font-Underline="False" > </Styles> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item ImageUrl="./com-div.jpg" Text=""> <Images> <DefaultImage Url="./com-div.jpg" /> </Images> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item Text="產品" TargetUrl="../Trad/Product-MagicJigsaw.aspx"> <Items> <ignav:Item TagString="Menu-Product-Magicjigsaw" TargetUrl="../Trad/Product-MagicJigsaw.aspx" Text="魔法拼圖"> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item TargetUrl="../Trad/Product-KidsTouchFunBlocks3D.aspx" Text="KidsTouchFunBlocks3D"> </ignav:Item> </Items> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item ImageUrl="./com-div.jpg" Text=""> <Images> <DefaultImage Url="./com-div.jpg" /> </Images> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item Text="會員" TargetUrl="../Trad/Member.aspx"> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item ImageUrl="./com-div.jpg" Text=""> <Images> <DefaultImage Url="./com-div.jpg" /> </Images> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item Text="知識" TargetUrl="../Trad/Knowledge.aspx" > </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item ImageUrl="./com-div.jpg" Text=""> <Images> <DefaultImage Url="./com-div.jpg" /> </Images> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item Text="社群" ToolTip="建構中"> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item ImageUrl="./com-div.jpg" Text=""> <Images> <DefaultImage Url="./com-div.jpg" /> </Images> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item Text="合作提案" TargetUrl="../Trad/Cooperation.aspx"> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item ImageUrl="./com-div.jpg" Text=""> <Images> <DefaultImage Url="./com-div.jpg" /> </Images> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item Text="支援" TargetUrl="../Trad/Support.aspx"> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item ImageUrl="./com-div.jpg" Text=""> <Images> <DefaultImage Url="./com-div.jpg" /> </Images> </ignav:Item> <ignav:Item Text="夥伴" TargetUrl="../Trad/Partners.aspx"> </ignav:Item> </Items> <DisabledStyle ForeColor="LightGray" CssClass="MenuDisabledClass"> </DisabledStyle> <Levels> <ignav:Level Index="0" /> <ignav:Level Index="1" /> </Levels> <SeparatorStyle CustomRules="background-repeat:repeat-x; " BackgroundImage="ig_menuStandardSep.gif" /> <ExpandEffects ShadowColor="LightGray" Type="Fade"> </ExpandEffects> </ignav:UltraWebMenu> </ContentTemplate> <Triggers> <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="TradBtn" EventName="Click" /> <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="EngBtn" EventName="Click" /> </Triggers> </asp:UpdatePanel>
Hello jdaugherty,
Were you able to resolve this issue?
For any further questions with this matter do not hesitate to contact me.
Georgi Sashev
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.