My grid contains a GroupColumn containing 3 editable value-columns and 1 readonly unbound summary-column which value is calculated by a ValueConverter:
The Sum column won't be recalculated if one of the 3 values change, thus I tried to use the ActiveCellChanged event to access the Sum-cell and call a Refresh() from there.
Since I wasn't able to access the Sum-cell I was wondering, if there is an easy way to recalculate the Sum-column?
You can access the unbound cell via the row's cellscollection and call the .Refresh off that
private void grid_CellExitedEditMode
(object sender, Infragistics.Controls.Grids.CellExitedEditingEventArgs e) { ((UnboundCell)e.Cell.Row.Cells[ (UnboundColumn)grid.Columns.AllColumns["xxx"] ]).Refresh(); }
You would not be able to access the cell via the key value. You could use the actual column object and
find it using that.
- Edit -
Just typing it out a different way so that I know its visible
UnboundColumn uc = (UnboundColumn)grid.Columns.AllColumns["XXX"];
UnboundCell cell = (UnboundCell)e.Cell.Row.Cells[uc];