I want to display some shape files using silverlight. I wanted to use xamMap or xamWebMap. btw. what is the difference between those two? I coulnd find xamWebMap control anywhere in the toolbox (i'm using trial version if that helps) but I did found xamMap so I tried with that. Where can I find some instructions on how to start? I found gazzillion examples for xamWebMap but none for xamMap. For the beggining I want to just load simple shp file from the local disc. And also what do I have to do to use xamWebMap?
I found documentation.
but now I have whole different set of issues.
1. How do you clear loaded shape file from the xamMap. I load your usa_pl as layer 1. then later I want to delete it with xamMap.Layers.Clear(); Map stops beeing interactive but image of use still remains visible.
2. I have shape file converted from the AutoCad that simply won't display. I get no loading error. I assume its some kind of problem with coordinates.
Hi grabah,
XamWebMap was changed to XamMap, please take a look at this page for full list of 2010.2 breaking changes: http://help.infragistics.com/Help/NetAdvantage/DV/2011.1/CLR4.0/html/Breaking_Changes_2010_Volume_2.html
About issue #1 - That seems like a bug that we have recently fixed, please apply the latest service release, for more information about SR take a look at: http://es.infragistics.com/support/service-releases.aspx#ServiceReleases. After layers are removed you can set the new map's WorldRect with the following snippet:
private void InitMapCoordinates(){ // define world dimensions Point worldTopLeft = new Point(-180, 90); Point worldBottomRight = new Point(180, -90);
// Convert Geodetic to Cartesian coordinates Point winTopLeft = this.xamMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(worldTopLeft); Point winBottomRight = this.xamMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(worldBottomRight); // Create Rect structure the map control's WindowRect and WorldRect Rect winRect = new Rect() { X = Math.Min(winTopLeft.X, winBottomRight.X), Y = Math.Min(winTopLeft.Y, winBottomRight.Y), Width = Math.Abs(winTopLeft.X - winBottomRight.X), Height = Math.Abs(winTopLeft.Y - winBottomRight.Y) }; this.xamMap.IsAutoWorldRect = false; this.xamMap.WindowZoomMaximum = 40;
// Change the map control's WindowRect and WorldRect this.xamMap.WindowRect = this.xamMap.WorldRect = winRect;}
About issue #2 -Please check the shapefile's prj file which contains coordinate system and projection information.
Ivan Kotev
Yes, You can send the shapefiles and we will investigate the issue further.
it should look like this:
Try the following XAML code:
<ig:XamMap> <ig:XamMap.Layers> <ig:MapLayer> <ig:MapLayer.Reader> <ig:ShapeFileReader Uri="Shapefiles/akcijski_koridor"> <ig:ShapeFileReader.CoordinateSystem> <ig:CoordinateSystem> <ig:CoordinateSystem.Projection> <ig:SphericalMercator EllipsoidType="WGS84" /> </ig:CoordinateSystem.Projection> </ig:CoordinateSystem> </ig:ShapeFileReader.CoordinateSystem>
</ig:ShapeFileReader> </ig:MapLayer.Reader> </ig:MapLayer> </ig:XamMap.Layers></ig:XamMap>
The result is:
If you want map elements to have the same Fill color you can set MapLayer's Fill property:
Fill="DodgerBlue" and FillMode="None"
It finally works, great! thank you very much!
so whats was the catch, EllipsoidType="WGS84"?
Im doing the loading from the code like this:
MapLayer layer = new MapLayer(); ShapeFileReader reader = new ShapeFileReader(); CoordinateSystem cord = new CoordinateSystem(); SphericalMercator spMerc = new SphericalMercator(); spMerc.EllipsoidType = EllipsoidType.WGS84; cord.Projection = spMerc; reader.CoordinateSystem = cord; reader.Uri = "akcijski_koridor"; DataMapping.Converter converter = new DataMapping.Converter(); reader.DataMapping = converter.ConvertFromString("Caption=POLGON") as DataMapping; layer.Reader = reader; xamMap1.Layers.Add(layer); layer.ImportAsync();
I still have some problems with zooming thou. When first loaded shape file is mostly centered corectly, but if I trie to replace it with some other shape in a new layer I can't get it to display properly. I guess it's becouse of the funky coordinates and world sizes in those files...
and also I updated to latest version but still problem with persisted image after all layers are clerad is here. Only after I move new layer or zoom it new shape shows up and old one dissapears.
Setting EllipsoidType="WGS84" fixed the issue. SphericalMercator's EllipsoidType sets or gets the current projections's datum.
For the zooming issue try setting XamMap's WindowRect and WorldRect explicitly after shapefile is imported:
MapLayer layer = new MapLayer();
ShapeFileReader reader = new ShapeFileReader();
CoordinateSystem cord = new CoordinateSystem();SphericalMercator spMerc = new SphericalMercator();spMerc.EllipsoidType = EllipsoidType.WGS84;cord.Projection = spMerc;reader.CoordinateSystem = cord;
reader.Uri = "akcijski_koridor";DataMapping.Converter converter = new DataMapping.Converter();reader.DataMapping = converter.ConvertFromString("Caption=POLGON") as DataMapping;layer.Reader = reader;xamMap1.Layers.Add(layer);
layer.Imported += (layerSender, layerEvents) =>{ if (layerEvents.Action == MapLayerImportAction.End) { xamMap1.WindowRect = xamMap1.WorldRect = layer.WorldRect; }};
Could you please check again if latest SR is applied. As a workaround try to remove it with the following code: