Hi -
I have the zoom rectangle enabled. How can one reset the chart to initial view without zoom?
Ideally I'd like to have a button in the lower left corner where the axes meet, but for now - is there a standard action to reset the zoom level?
Thanks / m
Thanks, this works!
Would you be able to tell me what is the best way to capture zoom events also, please?
Basically I am displaying a 'reset zoom' icon if the chart is zoomed and hide that icon when zooming is done. The hiding part is clear but there don't seem to be directly related events exposed. I am currently tinkering with LayoutChanged etc but not sure if that is ideal.
You can reset the zoom level, by setting the ScrollScale property of each axis to 1. By setting this propery, the zoom level can be controled and set at any value you need.
When you zoom in with a zoom rectangle, scroll bars appear even if they were not visible at first. To hide them, set the ScrollEnabled property of each axis to false.