I'm using a WARP on a asp:content (conMain)
this WARP has a TriggerControl on an other asp:content. (btnStart on conHeader)
When clicking btnStart on conHeader, the WARP refreshes. This is (ofcourse) wanted functionality.
The problem is, when clicking the button, a hidden value changes, on which the content of the WARP relies.
SOO: what happens
1. Button is clicked
2. WARP refreshes with old values
3. hidden field is adjusted in the button_Click
4. WARP refreshes with the new values
How can i
a) check if the WARP is refreshed because of a TriggerControl
b) Let the refresh of the WARP wait until all the data is updated.
I solved this by browsing deep into the archives of the forum
The solution i went with is the following