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WindowCenter and WindowScale doesn't work when we call from Imported event.

We are using the following method to zoom a specific region. It works most of the time.. But we found that it doesn't work if we call it from Imported event. 

private void Zoom() {
            var mapLocation = MainMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(new Point(8.516667, 23.5)); //FocalPoint="8.516667, 23.5"
            MainMap.WindowCenter = mapLocation;
            MainMap.WindowScale = 3.5;

Here is the sample code to reproduce the issue. 
 <ig:XamMap  x:Name="MainMap" IsAutoWorldRect="true">
            <ig:MapNavigationPane Visibility="Collapsed"/>
                <ig:MapLayer LayerName="WorldLayer"  FillMode="Choropleth" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" Resolution="0.5"
                             HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" VerticalContentAlignment="Center">
                            DataMapping="Data=SpatialData; Name=CountryName" >
                                <ig:CoordinateSystem UnitType="M" FalseEasting="0.0" FalseNorthing="0.0" >
                                        <ig:MillerCylindrical EllipsoidType="WGS84" CentralMeridian="10.0" />
                        <ig:LinearScale  IsAutoRange="True"/>
public partial class MainPage : UserControl {
        MapLayer worldLayer;
        public MainPage() {
            worldLayer = MainMap.Layers["WorldLayer"as MapLayer;
            worldLayer.Imported += new MapLayerImportEventHandler(worldLayer_Imported);
            Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainPage_Loaded);
        void worldLayer_Imported(object sender, MapLayerImportEventArgs e) {            
        static MemoGeoServiceClient geoService = new MemoGeoServiceClient();
        void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
            geoService.GetWorldCompleted += GetWorldCompleted;
        private void GetWorldCompleted(object sender, GetWorldCompletedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error == null)
                var sqlReader = worldLayer.Reader as SqlShapeReader;
                sqlReader.DataSource = e.Result;
        private void Zoom() {
            var mapLocation = MainMap.MapProjection.ProjectToMap(new Point(8.516667, 23.5)); //FocalPoint="8.516667, 23.5"
            MainMap.WindowCenter = mapLocation;
            MainMap.WindowScale = 3.5;
If you move this Zoom(); method from worldLayer_Imported to somewhere (e.g. GetWorldCompleted event) then it will work. 
Let me know if you need more information.. 
P.S: We reported about one issue related to non-English culture in my account. Please help to take a look at this issue as well. Thanks.