How we can handle NULL (MISSING) values in XamDataChart?
For example we have 10 points in chart and 4th, 5th and 6th, points value is MISSING then series go to X-Axis for these points but I want to show a straight line. For example, I want to assign 7th point value to missing points (4th, 5th & 6th) and want to mark thse missing point somehow which depicts that these points value were missing.
Any work around for it?
Presuming you are doing a line chart you could try:
When I try to set "UnKnownValuePlotting" property to LinearInterpolate then my chart will look like this.
I don't know why extra (blue) color shade come over the line series? If I remove above property then it does not come but values are empty at these datapoints in series.
Here is my series definition for this specific line.
<ig:LineSeries Thickness="2" MarkerType="None" Title="Actual Price" ItemsSource="{Binding ChartSource}" ValueMemberPath="Value1" Legend="{Binding ElementName=AMLegend}"
TransitionDuration="0:0:1.5" XAxis="{Binding ElementName=xAxis1}" YAxis="{Binding ElementName=yAxis1}" UnknownValuePlotting="LinearInterpolate" />
Are you using the latest service release of the product? This seems like an error that was fixed in a previous version.