I have an ultrawebgrid with a number of rows and one cell that can be editted within each row.
Does anyone know how to move to the next row from the activerow after an enter key.
I can see how to manually set the next activerow and cell to row 4 the problem is I need toselect the next row and I don't know how to find the row number of the activerow.
UltraWebGridGRNSelected.DisplayLayout.ActiveCell = UltraWebGridGRNSelected.Rows(4).Cells(9)
Thanks in advanceGraham.
Hello netdocs,
Please let me know if you have any questions.
In order to set the Enter key as a means to move to the next cell, I suggest using EditKeyDownHandler event, and identify the key pressed. For example:
function allGrd_EditKeyDownHandler(gridName, cellId, key) { if (key == 13) { // routine to access next cell } } }
And to activate and select the next cell, you may use cell.activate(), and cell.setSelected(true). If you wish to edit the cell, you may use grid.beginEdit().
For additional information, please refer to the following forum thread:
If you have any questions, please let me know as well.