My grid is more like a report than a spreadsheet. When my users click on the grid, I don't want the cell the user clicks in to have a visible box around it or to be highlighted in any way. How do I prevent the clicked cell from looking selected or activated?
I've seen multiple posted replies here that say "At design time, use grid.DisplayLayout.Override". The only problem is that there is no design time for me, I am building the grid 100% in code, and intellisense shows me no Override when I hit the "." after DisplayLayout.
I've also looked at Knowledge Base Article KB06156, but the information there is misleading as well; it suggests setting the Activation property of the grid cells to an enum value of Activation.Disabled, but the cells don't seem to have an Activation property and the Activation enumeration is nowhere to be found.
I am using .Net 3.5, Visual Studio 2008, and have Infragistics35.WebUI.Shared.v8.1 and Infragistics35.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v8.1 referenced in my project.
What am I missing?
Well, yes. This is the WebGrid section of the forum. Perhaps you would have more luck looking in the WinGrid section?
My ultraWingrid does not support those properties that you mentioned.You most probably are using a Ultrawebgrid.
This is the code I used to eliminate the border around the selected cell:
grid.DisplayLayout.SelectedRowStyleDefault.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
grid.DisplayLayout.SelectTypeCellDefault = SelectType.None;
grid.DisplayLayout.ActivationObject.AllowActivation = true;
grid.DisplayLayout.ActivationObject.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
I hope that this helps you.
I am in the same position as you were. I am setting my cellclickaction to cellselect and so i get a highlighted text on the celI clicked.Could you pls share your idea of overcoming this situation.I dont want my selected cell highlighted.
Thanks, that seems to have cleared things up. I had a feeling I was looking in the wrong place. Thank you for the quick response.