I use XamMap with two layers (.shp file layer and SymbolLayer)
The map.ElementClick event gets fired for the SurfaceElements in the shape file, but not for the elements in the symbollayer.
<igMap:MapLayer x:Name="shpLayer" DataMapping="Name=MicroMarket; Value=MetricValue" ToolTip="custom tooltip: {Value}" FillMode="Chloropleth" Imported="MapLayer_Imported">
<igMap:ShapeFileReader Uri="shapefile" DataMapping="Name, Caption=Id" />
<igMap:MapLayer x:Name="symbolLayer" VisibleFromScale="55" >
<Image Source="{Binding ImageUrl}" ToolTipService.ToolTip="{Binding ToolTip}" />
map.ElementClick += (s, e) =>
if (e.Element != null && e.Element is SymbolElement)
//doesn't come here :(
if (e.Element is SurfaceElement)
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("You clicked surface element {0}", e.Element.Name));
If I add an eventhandler on the Image_MousLeftButtonDown for the image it works, but I rather have the map.ElementClick because I want to add the event in another class where I have access to the map and I can handle the clicks in one cosistent way.
Thanks in advance
I upgraded to the May SR and I still can't get it to work. I have the same code as in my first post. The click event does not fire for elements in my symbolLayer. For the ShapeLayer, the event fires 44 times! (not there are also 44 shapes in my shapefile).
Both layers have IsClickable set to true.
The version of my dll's are
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
Hi Roel,
Since you have trial subscription you are not entitled to service releases. I will create a support ticket on your behalf, so you may resolve this. You can check on your support ticket from My Support Activity tag on our website.
Please let me know if can assist you with anything else.
Ivan Kotev
Hi Ivan,
Thanks for the response. Is it possible to get the service release when your product is not registered? I still want to try things out and see if this is fixed before finally purchasing.
The issue has been fixed and should be included in the May SR. Please take a look at this page: http://es.infragistics.com/support/service-releases.aspx#ServiceReleases for more informaion about service release schedule.
Thanks for the reply. Do you now when the next SR is scheduled? Is there a possibility for a hotfix?