Please take a look at the following screen shots.
When I view a shape file using Shape Viewer, i can see some small islands (Green Circle).
But when i view the same shape file using silverlight xamMap, I notice that those small islands are missing. Only after i zoomin the map, i can see them.
How could i make xamMap display all the small parts of the map without zooming?
Your help will be highly appreciated.
Nyi Nyi
Hi Ivan,
It solves my problem.
Thanks a lot again!
Hi nyinyithann,
Please take a look at this post: http://community.infragistics.com/forums/p/52068/271334.aspx#271334
XamMap has an auto-culling routine that removes shapes that are "too small" to aid perfomance for shapefiles. You can change this behavior by setting MapLayer's AutoCalculateResolution to false and adjust Resolution property value.
Ivan Kotev